Couples Massage Classes

West Hartford Couples Massage Class

Our Premier private couples massage class is one on one learning geared towards your specific needs. With instructors who have over a decade of experience, we teach you simple,  easy to remember techniques that wont tire you out. Who knew attending your own private West Hartford couples massage class could be so fun. It is the perfect way to bond with your significant other.

  • 30+ minutes of hands-on massage instruction for each person includes basic techniques and bonus hot towel techniques
  • Custom massage oil blend, made just for you and your partner, take home after class
  • Served chocolates and strawberries and a sparkling beverage after class in comfortable private setting

Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment to fill out necessary paper work.

Wear comfortable clothing that you can move freely in.

Please let us know in advance if you have any mobility issues

Our West Hartford couples massage class is geared to your specific needs. Our massage instructors customize the techniques you learn in each class.

When you arrive you and your partner will be greeted by a licensed massage therapist who will be your instructor. If you haven’t been to our office before we will ask you to fill out a brief health intake form. After your instructor will ask a few questions to help customize the techniques you learn in your class. At this point, If you wish we can add essential oils to your very own organic massage oil that you may take home after class.

Next you will be brought to a private room where your class will begin. Once you’ve chosen who will give and receive first  your teacher will step out of the room and allow the person receiving a chance to undress to their comfort level and lay down massage table, and cover themselves with sheets and blankets. Once the person is settled the teacher will return and begin instructions. The goal is to teach you simple and effective techniques that are easy to perform.

Total cost for this service $320


Have you already taken our West Hartford Couples Massage class and want to learn even more amazing techniques? We also offer a refresher Couples Massage Class that includes 30
minutes of hands on massage instruction for each person with advanced techniques.

Total cost for this service $185