Corporate Chair Massage

Chair Massage Events

Chair massage events can take place anywhere. Chair massage can reduce
muscle tension, boosts alertness, increase circulation, calm the nervous
system, reduce stress and can help relax and rejuvenate the body. Chair massage is done with the client fully dressed allowing for a quick massage session at work, and is versatile enough for any in/outdoor function.

Chair Massage is versatile enough for any in/outdoor event

  • Staff retreats
  • Customer/vendor “thank you”
  • Family gatherings/events
  • Golf outings/sporting events
  • Fund raisers
  • Trade shows
  • Dental offices
  • Hospitals
  • Retail settings
  • Community centers
  • Massage parties
  • Fairs/Craft shows
  • Banks
  • Retirement communities
  • Schools
  • Special events

How does it work?

For workplace settings, typically the process looks like this:

  • Participants sign up for a 5-30 minute chair massage
  • You provide a space for In Touch Massage to set up our massage chairs
  • Individuals remain fully clothed while we provide their massage
  • Educational material may be provided such as stretches and  exercises
  • Recipients return to work refreshed and alert

Other arrangements can be made if you have a different type of event or setting.

Reducing stress and increasing energy levels among employees is one reason companies large and small are implementing chair massage programs.  It is also helpful in relieving back, neck, shoulder, arm, and hand tension that contribute to repetitive stress injuries.

According to the Occupational Health and Safety News and the National Council on Compensation Insurance:

  •      Stress accounts for $26 billionin medical and disability payments and $95 billion in productivity loss
  •      Over 50% of lost work days are stress related which keeps about 1  million people per day from attending work
  •      Stress causes one third of American workers to seriously consider quitting
  •      85% of employee accidents are stress related

Although those numbers are hard to ignore, making time to relieve stress in the workplace may be difficult.  Chair massage can help!

  •      Research indicates that a 15-minute chair massage results in decreased job stress, increased alertness, and increased speed and accuracy on math computations
  •      Office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better and were less stressed than those who weren’t massaged

Field, Ironson, Pickens et al. (1996).  Massage therapy reduces anxiety and enhances EEG pattern of alertness and math computations.  International Journal of Neuroscience 86, 197-205.